Communication & Community Outreach


Montessori iN THE HOME

Developing “Practical Life Skills” early in life boosts self-esteem and independence and is the foundation for learning writing, mastery of mathematics, and other more advanced lessons. Children learn kindness and respect for themselves, one another, and adults, through the Montessori way of teaching. Click here to learn more about Montessori in the Home.

Peace, Anti-Bias, & Diversity Library

Montessori education is inherently an education for peace. Inner peace is achieved through meaningful work and peace in our community comes through respect for one another. We believe that racial equity and social justice are not political issues, but matters of basic human dignity. Research has shown that preschool-aged children have a natural awareness and curiosity towards physical differences in people around them.

 We want our children not merely to accept or tolerate differences in one another but in fact to appreciate and celebrate them. As a means to proactively educate our children to become future peacekeepers of society, we wish to expand our library of developmentally appropriate anti-bias literature for young children.

transparent classroom

Parent engagement is one of the most effective ways to boost a child’s joy and connection to learning, and studies show that parent involvement even translates to higher academic success. At Long Hill Montessori School, we use modern technology to build this vital partnership through a smartphone app called Transparent Classroom.